Room Capture Settings

Enter the email address for the account that has access to the Calendars to be used

The quick record option is available to Room Capture Administrators and Room Managers and allows for users to setup a master schedule with a simpler form to complete.

Please note the quick record option does not require the user to fulfill any required fields when adding media to the platform and there is no option to set content to be private.

Set Room Status

The room is unlocked and schedules will be broadcast and recorded

The room is locked and schedules will only be recorded and broadcasts not available

The room is locked and schedules will not be recorded or broadcast

Rename Room

New Room
Set as On Demand

On demand rooms will allow users with the stream key to start broadcasts on an ad-hoc basis. Schedules cannot be created in On Demand rooms and they can only contain one source.

<< 10s
>> 10s
<< 5s
>> 5s


Fill in the Blank


Multistream View


Player Settings

Planet eStream PTZ Camera
No stream
Loading Stream

Share Room Schedule

Quick Record

Source Setup
Edit Master Schedule

Resource selection is mandatory

Add to a Resource

Add your items to a single or any number of Resources

On Demand Placeholder

On demand room image

Select a Thumnail

Select Resources

Search Filters

Media Types
Resource Filter

Select a student that has been tagged in media